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Buonasera! Come state? In questo periodo stiamo vivendo l'emergenza del Coronavirus che ha colpito anche l'Italia. In questi momenti dobbiamo essere più uniti che mai e seguire quello che viene detto dalle istituzioni. Detto questo vorrei mostrarvi questi fantastici outfit. Il mio preferito? Il secondo outfit!

Good evening! How are you? In this period we are experiencing the emergency of Coronavirus which has also affected Italy. In these moments we must be more united than ever and follow what is said by the institutions. Having said that I would like to show you these fantastic outfits. My favorite? The second outfit!

Outfit 1
Top - Femmeluxe
Pants - Femmeluxe
Shoes - No brand
Bag - Amiclubwear
Necklace - H&M
Bracelet - Zaful
Outfit 2
Top - Femmeluxe
Skirt - Femmeluxe
Boots - No brand
Bag - No brand
Outfit 3
Shirt - Femmeluxe
Jeans - Femmeluxe
Shoes - No brand


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