Nature corner

Buonasera a tutti! Oggi dopo aver studiato, sono andata a fare del sano shopping! Durante i saldi ne approfitto per comprare capi di tendenza a prezzi irrisori. Ho indossato un paio di pantaloni neri in similpelle, un maglione giallo, stivaletti neri e borsa a tracolla nera! Cosa ne pensate?

Good evening everyone! Today after studying, I went to do some healthy shopping! During the sales I take the opportunity to buy trendy clothes at ridiculously low prices. I wore a pair of black leatherette trousers, a yellow sweater, black ankle boots and a black shoulder bag! What do you think?

Pants - Pull&Bear
Sweater - No brand
Rings - Bershka
Watch - Sammydress
Bag - Amiclubwear
Boots - No brand


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